
How Different is Life when Staying so Close to the US-Mexico Border

Living close to the US-Mexico border is a dream come true for so many reasons.  Whether you want warmer weather, enjoy fantastic food, or just want to find somewhere that’s more affordable living: these are the reasons anyone should move to the US-Mexico border! 

Better Food Than Anywhere Else

If you like great food for a great price, you’ll fall in love with living on the border.  Not only can you get plenty of real Mexican savory food whenever you want it, but you can also enjoy tons of other delicious treats whenever you want.  From Mexican candy to the real cane sugar Coca-Cola to the endless seasonings and spices that will be at your fingertips, living here is a fantastic experience for any foodie. 

Warm Weather Most of the Year

Living close to the border gives you the opportunity to enjoy the best weather year-round.  Depending on where you are on the border, you might see a large range of different environments, from the desert to more lush greenery, but most have warm summers and middling winters.  

This is great for anyone who’s sick of snow and ice and wants a break for something warmer.  There’s nothing quite like spending the winter on the border!

A Fun Mixture of Cultures

There’s nothing quite like the cultural exchange that’s possible while living in border towns, instead of living in a boring homogenized culture that doesn’t add anything new to your life.

Mixing cultures and spending time with people of different backgrounds helps feed creativity, increases your empathy, and helps you learn how to communicate more clearly.  Although there are other ways to sharpen these skills, you also get the chance to learn another language if you don’t speak Spanish yet!

Cheaper Living 

Most border towns are far more affordable than the rest of the country.  From little towns like Douglas, in Arizona, where you can find affordable housing, to larger cities like El Paso, where the cost of living is far better than the national average, living is far cheaper by the border than anywhere else.

This is especially good for young professionals starting their careers who want to be able to begin a family somewhere affordable and easygoing.  

An Enhanced Driver’s License Lets You Into Mexico!

If you’ve always wanted the chance to travel internationally whenever you want and hate lugging around your passport, you should consider looking for El Paso houses for rent!  Most locals have enhanced driver’s licenses that allow them to travel across the border whenever they want, without their passport.

The entire country is making a move to make these licenses the norm, so check your license for a star to see if it’s enhanced, and then consider stopping to get lunch in Mexico whenever you have the chance! 

Living Near Any Border Can Make Life Interesting

Whether you’re living near the border to find something more affordable, or you’re more interested in the cultural exchange that can be found here, there’s a lot to see and do when living near the border!  Consider making this amazing change soon!

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