
The Effect of Anxiety on the Brain: and what can we do about it

The impact of anxiety disorder on the brain is enormous. Cortisol and adrenaline make us constantly alert and make us defensive. After a short time, our mind turns into a place suitable for the production of irrational thoughts. This situation completely obscures our whole selves and our reality like cold night darkness without the moon or stars, with fears that devour and paralyze us. In fact, very few psychological situations can be experienced so intensely.

Demographic studies show that a large number of people are faced with the problem of chronic anxiety disorder. Unable to see that there is another way to feel or see reality in any other way. These people are dragged on by this feeling, not knowing how to act. On the other hand, some people experience another problem called situational anxiety disorder. In such cases, speaking in public, holding a job interview, taking an exam, or even a moment that exemplifies them leads to the lifting of the danger flag that severely limits us.

We’ve all faced the anxiety problem for sure. This highly natural human response, which can serve as an invaluable tool in the right amounts and towards the goals we want to achieve, is often out of our control. In a short time, it takes full control of our lives almost without realizing it. And when this happens, everything breaks down and turns upside down.

How anxiety is different from stress and what is its effect on the Brain?

In order to better understand the effect of anxiety disorder on the brain, we must first realize an important detail. This detail knows how to distinguish between anxiety and stress. For example, stress means a process of psychological action that occurs as a result of multiple external influences. So, when it comes to stress, there is always a factor that triggers a situation related to the moment we live in. The pressure we experience in the workplace, problems in the family, etc. 

All these are actually due to the awareness that we do not have enough strength and capacity to resist these types of stimuli.

Anxiety disorder is a more complex problem than stress. Although it is true that most of the time it is caused by stress. It is necessary to state that we experience this feeling without knowing the real reason. In other words, anxiety disorder is more of an internal problem. It occurs over and over again and at very different times. We are faced with a situation of psychological response that prepares us to fight or escape a threat.

All of these essentially turn anxiety into a different concept from stress. As a natural consequence, it will be much more difficult to cope with than stress.

What can we do to reduce the Effects of Anxiety Disorder on the Brain?

As we emphasized at the beginning, anxiety is actually a psychological response. Therefore, simply telling ourselves “take it easy, everything will be fine” is not enough to solve the problem. If our brain thinks there is danger, what our logic tells us is of little value. For this reason, it will be useful to start by approaching psychological, organic, and physical aspects.

Identify your anxiety sources first

Start by identifying your sources of anxiety. There are two types of anxiety: resources that we can change and cannot destroy. By reviewing your life and a day, identify situations that put you under anxiety and categorize them as “changeable” or “unalterable” resources.

Convince your body that there is no real threat. 

So how can we do that? Relax, breathe deeply, and take a break from your bodily activities. In this way, your brain will be able to stop working, even for a short time.

Use anxiety to your advantage. 

Managing and controlling anxiety is not a matter of prompting. In other words, there is no such thing as wanting to destroy this psychological reality that impacts our brains. What needs to be done is to deal with this problem and try to use aspects that might be of our benefit. To put this idea into practice and achieve success, artistic therapy methods are among the techniques that can help us. Even sculpting mud or painting a picture will help shape anxiety. As a result, this all-consuming monster will become more harmless and small, and will now become a manageable problem.

Be patient

Most importantly, be patient with yourself on this journey; remember that you are in a continuous development process. When you want to lose weight, if you only exercise for one day, there will be no visible changes in your body. Psychological skills are like that. Remember that it is a process where you have to proceed patiently to see the effects of your effort and be able to change your behavior and appreciate even the slightest improvement in yourself. 

New habits, new routines. 

In some cases, changing some activities in our daily life, even if small, can cause everything to change. Take a walk outdoors, try to go to a concert every week, meet new people, and start a yoga class… All of these can change the alarm perception in our brain and we can start seeing everything around us in a very different way.

Finally, never hesitate to consult a professional when the severity of anxiety is beyond us. No human deserves to live in fear. And no one should constantly spend their life in prison with a chronic anxiety disorder that darkens everything around them.

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