
Get rid of Money, Time, and Opportunity Thief Indecision and become decisive

they start their daily work. What is hard to accept is that a bad decision is better than no decision at all. Maybe we all experience minor indecision in daily life. After all, we make a good or bad decision, put it into practice, and bear the consequences.

But what if we cannot make a decision on a matter that is not so important? Our day will be wasted … and then our days…

If you are afraid of the consequences of a mistake, you are considered a shy person. It should not be forgotten that there is a risk in every decision. What matters are not the mistakes but the lessons learned from them.

Expert View

One expert psychologist explained the situation as follows; being an adult means making decisions and bearing the consequences of those decisions, and even paying the price. Indecision is your difficulty in choosing between feelings, thoughts, situations, people, or desires that affect you and are often opposed.

Indecision is both an innate disposition and learning.

It is normal to occasionally remain indecisive on a very serious issue that will affect your life and future.

Recognize indecision

Why do we have trouble making decisions? It is one of the most common reactions of our minds to uncertainty.

Suppose we have a choice to make, in terms of recruiting Provider A or Provider B. This can be very difficult because we honestly don’t know which will perform better, which will perform better. Trustworthy or which could mess it up.

So we feel a lot of uncertainty and our mind doesn’t like it. There are some things we could do to get by:

Do a lot of research. 

It is one of the most common things we do when we feel uncertain. We do research online; we read a lot of articles about uncertainty. We are trying to gain more certainty by obtaining more information. There is nothing wrong with that – in fact, it is a good idea – but it is still important to recognize that we are trying to gain more certainty because we are in the grip of uncertainty. In the end, we may be much more informed about the uncertainty, but we will continue to feel it.

These are some of the ways we usually deal with the uncertainty of making a decision.

Our uncertainty revolves around several points:

  • Which choice would be best?
  • Could this choice have negative consequences?
  • Don’t we risk appearing stupid to others if we make the wrong choice?
  • Do we not risk becoming the laughing stock of people, getting ripped off, and regretting this choice in the years to come?
  • Are we going to get away with it even if we make the wrong choice?

This last part is the real heart of the problem. There is no such thing as a “right” choice, but we fear that things will go wrong if we make the wrong choice. Now let’s take a look at how we might do this and what new habits might be of use to us.

Create new habits

We cannot get rid of the uncertainty associated with decision-making. We can do whatever we can to research, delay things, develop a decision-making system… we still won’t be sure what choices we should be making. It will always make us anxious.

So we might just learn to accept this uncertainty and get used to making critical decisions despite it.

Here is a possible set of decision-making habits that will promote better decision-making:

Face uncertainty with curiosity. 

Once you notice that you are feeling uncertainty move from your head to your body – notice the physical manifestations of the uncertainty in your body. Get the information and make the best possible assessment. 

Now that you realize that uncertainty is not something you should run away from, you can just make the best decision you can make. This can involve doing research, gathering information, and even asking for the opinions of other people if you have the time.

See that you are doing well. 

Whatever happens, ask yourself, “Am I okay?” The answer is almost always “Yes”. Over time, you will find that this decision-making habit is not that bad and that things generally go well. You will find that letting go of your worry is actually a real relief.

These steps seem like many, but in fact, it is just a matter of recognizing the uncertainty, feeling the sensations in your body and staying curious, gathering information and making the best possible decision, then taking action and dealing with what’s going on. In the end, you will find that all is well.

How to build this habit?

By keeping this habit in mind for a month. Notice as often as you can when your old habit of indecision arises, then practice that habit as best you can each time. With the new one you can replace the old habit. Do it with joy.

In the end, notice that you move faster, learn to trust your instincts, become more trustworthy in your own eyes and in the eyes of others, and learn that you can cope with the consequences that may arise. Occur. It’s worth the extra effort to pick up this new habit.

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